Blighty Coloured Buttons
This creation brought me so much joy! My client, her mother and mother-in-law were all keen seamstresses and had a ton of buttons between them from generations of their families’ sewing boxes. Her father-in-law was a retired Colonel and had a plethora of pukka regimental pins. Her brief was really simple –“can you just make something ace with all this stuff?”
"You know how you lose all manner of important things in your life, but still have that Danger Mouse badge you’ve had since you were five at the back of the drawer of rubbish? Well, I had a proper clear out and Maithili spent time with me listening to anecdotes about my family and unearthing my memories behind some of the tut; the “baby on board” badge I wore when I was pregnant with my first, the spare covered button from waistcoats my mother-in-law made for our wedding, the button from the first dress I made for my daughter and so much more.
What she created references generations of moments and memories. I spent months discovering new treasures and it took my father-in-law years to realise that his military finery had been commandeered! Everyone comments on it but I love it for more reasons than you can imagine."